How do I check what-if grades?
> ... PathwayConnect Frequently Asked Questions > Canvas Questions > How do I check what-if grades?

What-If Grades is a function that allows you to see what your grade would be if you changed some individual assignment scores. Using this feature does impact your actual grade.

Note: This function is only available on a computer. It is not available using the Canvas App.

Step 1. When you are in the Dashboard page of your course, click Grades located on the left menu. Once you do that, it will take you to the Grades page.

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Step 2. You can test a grade in a specific assignment or activity to see how it will reflect on your grade. You can do this by hovering your mouse over the score of a specific assignment until you see a description that says, “Click to test a different score.”

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Step 3. Once you click on the score, it will allow you to enter a score to test. Click away to see how the score will affect your grade that is located at the top right corner of your screen.

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Step 4. Click the ‘Revert to Actual Score’ button located under total grade to go back to your original scores.

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