How do I complete an assignment using Microsoft 365?
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Step 1: Access Microsoft 365

You have access to Microsoft 365, which contains the following applications:

  • Word. For writing documents
  • Excel. For managing data on spreadsheets
  • PowerPoint. For presentations
  • Outlook. For email and calendars
  • OneDrive. For managing files

You will use these applications to complete assignments. You can access applications in Microsoft 365 on a web browser. You can also download them to a computer or a mobile device. Below are instructions for each case.

Access Microsoft 365 on a Web Browser
You can access Microsoft 365 on a web browser. When you do this, you do not need to download any apps.
  1. Sign in to your BYU-Pathway portal at
  2. Click “Resources”
  3. Click “Student Software”
  4. You may need to enable popups on your browser. If you don’t know how to do this, open a new tab or window on your browser, and search, “How do I enable popups on this browser?”
  5. Once you arrive at Microsoft 365 make a bookmark or favorite on your browser, so you can return without needing to go through the BYU-Pathway portal.
  6. Once you arrive at Microsoft 365, you may need to look for and click an icon that reveals all of the applications. It will probably look like a group of tiny squares and be located in the upper right corner of the screen. Briefly explore the following applications: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, OneDrive, and Teams.
  7. When you go to the applications above, make a bookmark or favorite on your browser for each one.
Download Microsoft 365 Applications on a Computer
If you pay for the internet by the gigabyte, be aware that this process will consume a lot of data, perhaps as much as 3 gigabytes.
  1. Follow the instructions in the “Web Browser” section above to access Microsoft 365 on a web browser.
  2. Navigate to the Microsoft 365 home page:
  3. Find and click on the dropdown menu called “Install and more” then click “Install Microsoft 365 apps”
  4. The apps come in a bundle or package called Office. Find the button called “Install Office” and click it. There may be a link to install an older version of Office if you discover that you need it.
  5. This will begin to download a very large file to your computer. Depending on your internet speed, it might take a long time to download.
  6. Once the file has finished downloading (you may be able to see download progress on your web browser), look for the downloaded file in your computer’s “Downloads” folder or other similar folder.
  7. Double-click to open the downloaded file and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation process.
  8. After the installation completes, you'll be prompted to activate Office. This requires signing in to your Microsoft 365 account.
    1. First, use your email address that ends with
    2. Next, use your Church Account.
    3. You may need to complete 2-Factor verification.
    4. Once you have connected your Microsoft 365 account, look for the downloaded applications on your computer. They will be stored differently depending on your computer’s operating system.
  9. Open them to explore each one.
Download Microsoft 365 Apps on a Mobile Device
  1. Open your device’s app store:
  2. First, look for and install “Microsoft Authenticator.” You will need this app in a few minutes.
  3. In the App store, search for the Desired Microsoft 365 Apps, including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, and OneDrive. Search for "Microsoft 365" to find a suite of apps.
  4. Install each app.
  5. Launch one of the apps to connect it to your Microsoft 365 account. The following steps illustrate how this works if you open the Word app:
    1. When prompted to sign in, use your email address that ends with
    2. You will then be taken to the Microsoft Authenticator App.
    3. Continue using your Church Account username, password, and 2-Factor authentication (as needed)
    4. You will then be taken back to the Word app where you will see your initials or photo in the upper left or right corner of the screen. This means you have connected it to your Microsoft 365 account.
  6. Once you connect one of the apps to your Microsoft 365 account, all of the other apps on your device (e.g., Excel, Outlook, etc.) will also be connected automatically.

Step 2: Manage and Submit Your Assignment Files

You complete most assignments by filling out an assignment template, which is a computer file. Managing these files is important so you don’t lose your work. Before you start managing your files, make sure you have completed Step 1 above, called “Access Microsoft 365.”

You may watch this video (demonstrates on a computer) or expand and follow the instructions below the video.

Using Microsoft 365 to Complete Assignments

Manage and Submit Your Assignment Files on a Computer
The following instructions may not apply perfectly to your device depending on the version you have. If you have further questions, reach out to those who live near you for assistance, or you can search the internet for instructions on your specific device.
Inside of Canvas, click on the link to download an assignment template.
A Canvas assignment page with a circle around a link to download an assignment template.

Find the file on your computer in the folder called “Downloads.” Note there may be different ways that your computer displays files in this folder. This can include displaying files as large icons or in a list. Find a view that you like.
Two views of a computer's Downloads folder.

Rename the file you downloaded with something unique so you can easily find it later.
Renaming a file with a unique identifier. In this case, adding the name of the student.

Open the file. Depending on the file type, it will open with Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.
  • Edit the file. In other words, complete the assignment.
  • Save the file.
  • Practice going back to your downloads folder to find files. Can you find the correct file with the changes you made to it while completing the assignment?
    • Optional but recommended: Once you feel comfortable with the above steps, you can start moving your files from the Downloads folder to your OneDrive folder. Doing this will sync your files to the cloud. This means you can access them from different devices, as long as those devices are connected to your Microsoft 365 account.
Navigate back to the assignment page in your Canvas course and click “Start Assignment.”
A Canvas assignment page with an arrow pointing to the Start Assignment button.

On the “File Upload” tab, click “Choose File.” Locate the file on your computer and click “Open.” Click “Submit Assignment”
The Canvas file upload dialogue with arrows pointing to the Choose File button and the Submit Assignment Button.