Introduction to Transitions
> ... Writing > Transitions > Introduction to Transitions

If you have actively reviewed all of the Writing Lessons up to this point, you have already learned a lot about the power that transitions have to strengthen and shape your writing. All the lessons focused on paragraphs (see the introductory, body, and concluding paragraph sections in Writing Lessons) and their distinctive parts have taught you how to create more effective transitions within your paragraphs. Likewise, the lesson focused on quote integration has taught you how to successfully transition your reader from your own thoughts to the thoughts of others.

You may be wondering right now what the purpose of this writing lesson is if you already have such a strong foundation of knowledge and practice in this area—and that is a great question. To summarize, the purpose of this Transitions lesson is to briefly review the following:

  • The purpose of transitions
  • How to use them effectively within paragraphs
  • How to use them effectively between paragraphs

Your understanding and application of the principles reviewed in this lesson will go a long way in helping you create organized and well-balanced essays.