Contact Information Section
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The contact information provides a simple, focused way for the potential employer to know how to contact the applicant or perhaps even do some more research on him or her. According to the most recent research, detail-oriented employers are looking for the following contact information:

This is an image of an example Resume header. The name is centered in the page, and is a larger size than the rest of the typed font. The line underneath the header is centered as well. This line is divided into three, and it contains the person's email, linkedin link, and phone number.


The name of the applicant is traditionally centered, bolded, and typed in a larger font than all other contact information in that section. Though a pretty straightforward criterion for contact information, hiring experts caution applicants not to ignore the little details when it comes to name selection. Make sure that you choose the version of your name (including or excluding first or middle initials) that you would like to appear on all of your professional documents—including digital ones such as your LinkedIn profile or even social media accounts.

Phone Number and Email Address

It is always a good idea to include a valid phone number and email address (preferably the ones you use most frequently). Studies show that over 80% of all businesses in the United States still use email and phone as their primary means of communication, so excluding either of these points of contact could prove harmful to your chances for an interview.

Also, pay close attention to the email address you choose to use. Employers are less likely to take you seriously if you have an email address that sounds unprofessional or is difficult to understand.

Digital Profile Link

According to a recent U.S. News article, nearly 95% of job recruiters utilize LinkedIn as a major sourcing tool to find potential candidates for the companies they represent (see "How Headhunters Use LinkedIn to Find Talented Candidates" by Arnie Fertig, May 5, 2017). Including that digital profile as part of your résumé gives potential employers the opportunity to learn even more about you and what you have to offer their company.


While including an address used to be required in the contact information section of the résumé as recently as 10 years ago, the continued rise of the digital age has made it less of a necessity. Indeed, many résumé experts advise applicants to leave it off of their résumé entirely—particularly if they are applying for a job in another city or state. That information alone might be enough to discourage employers from seriously considering a person for potential employment.